Symantec SEP Manager - Erro Failed to connect to server

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Registrado em: 26 Jan 2021 20:41

Symantec SEP Manager - Erro Failed to connect to server

Mensagem por edjcav »

1. Open a command-prompt window as Administrator
2. Enter the following command and hit Enter:

Código: Selecionar todos

 sc query semwebsrv
3. If the STATE returned by this command does not equal "4 RUNNING" enter the following command and hit Enter:

Código: Selecionar todos

sc start semwebsrv
4. This command should return a STATE value of "2 START_PENDING".
5. Enter the following command and hit Enter:

Código: Selecionar todos

sc query semwebsrv
6. If the STATE returned by this command equals "4 RUNNING", log off and log back on to the SEPM Console.

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